Barcelona Tours – A Thrill Ride Through Time

Barcelona is definitely a trendsetter among the world. It also remains a city on the edge of excitement, with Barcelona tours bringing you right into the heart of all that excitement. Barcelona has attracted that unique persona within a person that loves a historical adventure. And the Barcelona tours have provided just that escape.

Las Ramblas

To really get a feel for how vibrant this city is, just take a short trip down Las Ramblas on one of the Barcelona tours. This green canopy over the Boulevard cuts a trail right through city to Port Vell. Here you’ll find trendy boutiques and cafes lining the streets. Market Stalls and the smell of fine Spanish cuisine rolls out into the sidewalks. You’ll also see street performers amazing the masses with their mime routines or acrobatics and flame dancing sets. This is most certainly the hub for nightlife as well. Las Ramblas becomes one big bar during the night and the party scene is insane.

Barcelona tours

Barcelona tours


If the sights are more your thing, then Barcelona tours has plenty of options for those as well. It is a city with wild architecture from the Medieval Ages and footprints from legendary artists. This is not to remiss it’s natural beauty settling along the coastline of the Balearic Sea; which is rich with its own historical thrill rides. A short list among Barcelona tours that will undoubtedly capture this essence include: Sagrada Familia, Gothic Quarter, Picasso Museum, Villa Olimpica, and Montjuich Mountain to name a few. Of course each of these alone could warrant day long Barcelona tours of their own.

Barcelona tours - fun

From fairy tale cathedrals to acrobat street performers; there is no shortage of breath taking sights or excitement with the Barcelona tours. It is no wander that so many different people love this city.